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CRL Development plan


 CRL Development Plan



The Co-op Academy Trust  is committed to ensuring all our students have access to high quality  career related learning (CRL) opportunities throughout each stage of their development. Our CRL programmes will inspire, raise aspirations and give our students an optimistic outlook on life.

At Co-op Academy Brownhill the vision for the development of CRL is to provide the very best opportunities to enable  our pupils to broaden their  horizons and raise aspirations.  We want our children to see a clear link and purpose between their learning experiences and their future. Our programme promotes equality of opportunity, gives exposure to the world of work, celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes.

Co-op Values

Do what matters most

What matters most is ensuring that our students achieve the best possible outcomes.

Be yourself, always

We bring our best self to work, so that we each contribute a bit of our own unique Co-op difference, and respect others for doing the same.

Show you care

We care about our Co-op, our colleagues, our members, our students, their parents and communities, now and for the future.

Succeed together

Co-operating makes us different; working together makes us better and stronger.

Detail of actions needed with time timescale

1: A stable careers programme

Priority : Every academy should have a CRL programme that covers EYFS through to Y6 that is shared with all stakeholders.

Success Criteria:

  • CRL  programme in place, on academy’s website  and reviewed annually in line with needs of cohort & feedback received
  • Shared at SLT - SLT minutes
  • Share and understood by all staff
  • A member of SLT leading CRL
  • Working towards QinC standard
  • Skill development implicitly embedded into programme
  • Evidence of student, parent, teacher and employer feedback with evaluations
  • Building in essential skills as defined by Skills Builder


  • CRL program for 23-24  in place by HT1 in line with Trust  template
  • CRL program on the academy website by HT1
  • To complete  QinC by July/ Sept
  • Feedback gathered  from all events from Term 1 onwards & evaluated
  • All evaluations to be acted upon, and evidenced,  and programme amended / developed
  • CRL program for 23-24  in place by HT1 in line with the Trust  template
  • CRL program on the academy website by HT1
  • To complete  QinC by July/ Sept
  • Feedback gathered  from all events from Term 1 onwards & evaluated
  • All evaluations to be acted upon, and evidenced,  and programme amended / developed


  • To use Trust  CRL program & policy template and use as a working document
  • To use Trust CRL Development Plan to ensure there are key milestones to achieve success criteria


  • Academy CRL lead will monitor via regular feedback /evaluations form a range of stakeholders after all events
  • QA of all events


  • Analysis of feedback received from all stakeholders after key events to inform next academic years programme


  • Staff meeting led by CRL lead to introduce the program, share the policy and development plan
  • QinC standard applied for and gained
  • Evaluations implemented to happen after each Career related link


  • Autumn term
  • Begin Autumn term complete by Summer 2
  • Throughout the year.

Key staff

  • SS / SS / SS

2: Learning from career and labour market information:

Priority: All pupils in KS2   have opportunities to learn about the labour market opportunities.

Success Criteria:

  • Delivery by external partners or done  internally   via assemblies / workshops / drop down day  etc
  • Pupils understand LMI in their local area and national trends
  • Local businesses support your academy CRL offer
  • Annual career fair  (access for parents 3 -4pm)
  • Staff have a clear understanding on LMI
  • LMI embedded into PSHE curriculum


  • LMI delivered on a rolling programme annually in KS2


  • Use of LMI website  / local websites Local growth business sectors


  • CRL lead to ensure LMI is in line with changing landscape
  • Targeted pupil voice / staff voice
  • Annual review of notice boards to ensure they take account of changing landscape and LMI


  • Analysis of feedback  received from  pupils


  • Visitor and visits from business
  • Careers fair
  • Staff meeting to support staff so they have a clear understanding
  • PSHCE curriculum updated

Timescale to move towards green / stay at green / move beyond:

  • Autumn and Summer term
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Autumn

Key staff:

  • SS / SS / SS / ND

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

Activity: The  CRL programme actively seeks to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations

Success Criteria:

  • External partners delivery to challenge stereotypical thinking, for example,  local Engineering companies, Armed forces, NHS
  • PSHE SoL covers and challenges  stereotypical thinking (PSHE / CDI framework)
  • The academy is aware of pupils aspirations
  • Pupils are exposed to careers they have not heard of
  • Use of Primary Futures volunteers


  • Engaging with relevant  external partners by end of Term 1
  • Review of CRL element of PSHE curriculum by the end of Term 1
  • Aspiration audit completed and evaluated in Term 1
  • Register with Primary Futures  in Term 3 (before end of this academic year)


  • Guest speakers from key sectors & providers  / PSHCE SoL / PSHCE staff CPD to support T&L / Carry out  aspiration audit  at start and end, of KS2


  • PSHCE targeted learning walks in line with SoL            
  • Pupil voice following the above events


  • Analysis of pupil voice and amendment of programme


  • PSHE SOL evaluated to ensure CRL is linked and occurring around school
  • Display in school each term representing careers, challenging stereotypes,how school staff got to this point.

Timescale to move towards green/stay at green / move beyond:

  • Autumn/Spring/Summer

Key staf:

  • ND / SS

4: Linking curriculum learning to careers

Priority: All teachers link curriculum learning with careers when opportunities present themselves, this includes skills development:

Success Criteria:

  • The development of CRL is part of your academy's self evaluation  and improvement plan


  • SoL by end of Term 3
  • Notice boards by Term 1


  • Review of  CRL element of SoL led by subject leads


  • QA of SoL led by SLT in line management meetings
  • Pupil  voice


  • Analysis of QA  / pupil voice with feedback  and agreed action plan to enable future  development


  • Evaluation of aspirations to happen in Autumn term for y4 - 6
  • During staff meeting subject leaders will make links in the curriculum to CRL
  • School scientist display and display in classrooms.

Timescale to move towards green / stay at green  / move beyond

  • Autumn 2
  • Autumn
  • Autumn and to chance throughout the year

Key staff:

  • SS / All Staff / SS

5: Encounters with employers and employees

Priority: Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. Students should participate in at least one meaningful encounter with one employer  in KS1 and two in KS2

Success Criteria:

  • By the end of KS2  students have had at least 3 meaningful encounters
  • Evidence of students feedback following encounters
  • At least 1 encounter with someone  self-employed  / entrepreneur  
  • Record of all business contacts


  • KS to have at least 1 meaningful encounter and KS2 to have a least two by end of Term 3 2023


  • Online platform / spreadsheet to record all encounters
  • Business portfolio


  • Termly review of online encounters report
  • Pupil voice - how ‘meaningful’ are the encounters?


  • Analysis of reports  / student voice with action plan to develop range of encounters  for next academic year


  • Visitors from Skype a scientists, primary futures and local area across ks2
  • Links made with SKY to enable y6 to visit a place of work

Timescale to move towards green / stay at green  / move beyond:

  • Autumn term/Spring Term/Summer Term

Key staff:

  • SS

6: Experiences of workplaces


Every pupil in KS2  should have at least one meaningful experience of the workplace through either work visits, VWEX, trips, shadowing, to develop their understanding of the world of work.

Success Criteria:

  • 1 experience of work logged for each pupil by age of 11
  • Materials  available  to prepare  pupils for   their experience of the workplace
  • Evidence of pupil feedback following experience


  • By Term 3


  • Online platform to record all individual experiences  (as for previous)


  • Annual review of online experiences  report
  • Pupil voice - feedback on experiences


  • Analysis of reports  / Pupil voice with action plan to develop range of experiences  for next academic year


  • Visit to sky by y6
  • Feedback on google forms completed after the visit.

Timescale to move towards green / stay at green  / move beyond:

  • Spring

Key staff:

  • Y6 team and SS / Y6 team

7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education

Priority: Every pupil in KS2 should have an opportunity to visit a FE / HE establishment  to learn about post 16 / 18 options. They should learn about academic and vocational opportunities and the different routes into employment

Success Criteria:

  • By the end of Y6 every pupil has  had a meaningful encounter with a  provider  from a range of learning providers  (Apprenticeships, Sixth form, FE, HE and other training providers).
  • Pupils  have the opportunity to  learn about the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them (apprenticeships, T levels, vocational qual v academic qual, traineeships, employment with training).
  • Materials to available for pupils to prepare them for their encounter
  • Evidence of pupil feedback following encounter
  • Engagement with The Brilliant Club (if available)


  • By end of Term 3


  • Online platform / spreadsheet to record all encounters


  • Termly review of online encounters report
  • Pupil voice - how ‘meaningful’ are the encounters?


  • Analysis of reports  / Pupil voice with action plan to develop range of encounters  for next academic year


  • Intouniversity visits in school and to the university by Y4/5/6
  • Feedback completed afterwards - google form

Timescale to move towards green / stay at green  / move beyond:

  • Throughout the year.
  • As it happens

Key staff:

  • CS / SS

8. Personal guidance

Priority: Every pupil  should have the opportunity to have "career conversations." Their aspirations and personal development progress should be recorded and shared with parents / carers, as well as the transition leaders of the next place of education.

Success Criteria:

  • Pupils are  encouraged to learn about, and evaluate, their own skills and strengths
  • Character education is built into lessons across the curriculum
  • Pupils have a career conversation with their teachers
  • Teachers are aware of each students aspirations
  • Aspirations are recorded centrally and shared appropriately


  • Aspiration audit (one provided by Trust) / curriculum / overview of visits & trips


  • Annual review of aspirations


  • Analysis of aspirations to  enhance  CRL programme


  • Children to complete the aspirations surrey from the trust
  • All children are accessing skills builder

Timescale to move towards green / stay at green  / move beyond:

Autumn and Summer:

Reviewed each term:

Key staff:

  • SS to lead / JG